61 South Union St., London, Ohio | 740-852-0942
St. Patrick Cemetery differs from other cemeteries in the London area because it is a Catholic cemetery. Our burial ground is consecrated ground; therefore, our cemetery is sacred space for the faithful departed. As Bishop James A. Griffin writes, “we surround the burial of those who hope to rise with Christ in an atmosphere of deep Christian faith and profound reverence....Catholic cemeteries also symbolize and express the hope of salvation that the living have in Jesus Christ....Catholic cemeteries are sacred shrines....The ornamentation – altars, statues, and devotional settings – reminds us of the sacred mysteries of our faith and draws us into deeper reflection. Such reflection can only bring us closer to God.” (Diocese of Columbus, http://www.colsdioc.org/Offices/CatholicCemeteries.aspx)
As a Catholic cemetery, the outward expression of our monuments and decorations are to reflect our Catholic Christian identity and provide an atmosphere of reverence. The symbols and images of our monuments are to be selected in good taste, with these values in mind. Similarly, our grave decorations are to be chosen with the same criteria as the decorations seen in another sacred space: the church sanctuary during the sacred Liturgy. Visual elements of the sacred Liturgy, such as candles and floral arrangements, must be real symbols and not fake. “The worshipping environment reminds us of the paschal mystery of life, death and resurrection. That is why artificial flowers are not suitable for churches. Part of the symbolism of fresh flowers lies in the fact that they fade and die and that we need to appreciate their beauty while it lasts” (The Liturgical Commission, www.litcom.net.au).
In light of the sacredness and reverence of our Catholic cemetery, we thank everyone who has complied with our current rules/regulations regarding grave decorations at the cemetery.
Live or Dried Natural Decorations only:
April 1st – December 1st
Artificial Decorations permitted:
December 1st – April 1st
For other rules and regulations, call the parish office at (740) 852-0942, ext. 305.